““Susan, once again my heartfelt gratitude for your masterful facilitation of Open Space at the URI Conference”. Ruth Broyde Sharone,
July, 2018
Imagine getting a huge group together of all people that are connected to something that needs to happen, like yesterday -- people that you know are in hot disagreement, maybe even seriously dislike each other, diverse in organizational position, income level, race, culture,gender, you have it. And you need to have them reach an agreement or a set of priorities that they can move forward on together now.
And you need to support them in following through, because, after all, it’s all in the follow through.
This is completely possible!!
Even fairly straightforward.
Susan can work with large groups (up to 1000) to do just this -- facilitate dialogue and communication across difference, strategic visioning and developing a common ground agenda for forward action.
Her experience has shown her that the most impactful interventions for change involve getting the “whole system” in the room (as many perspectives and stakeholder groups as practical) and creating a container that allows for productive conflict and maximum creative thinking.
She aims to help you access the “collaborative dividend”, the “exponential potential” that only comes from a well-facilitated, diverse and interactive engagement.
Typically, she works in advance and throughout the process with leaders and a representative planning committee of the “whole system” and supports you in following up effectively after the live event is over.
Susan uses a variety of processes depending on what’s best for you including Open Space Technology, Future Search, World Café and gestalt theories of change. She is regularly inspired through her interviews with creative intervenors around the world as the Creator and Host of The Peacebuilding Podcast: From Conflict to Common Ground.